The mission of Urban 360 is to empower local inner city communities through scholarships,
school supplies, mentorships, and support services to help students succeed towards higher education.
Urban 360 collaborates with local organizations to provide students from every grade level purpose and a vision for their future as a means of hope.
Our passion is to serve those that are overlooked and are struggling in their personal and educational journey. Many young people living in the inner cities of our country have fallen into the cracks of their environments and have no way of escape towards their future. Many of these communities are plagued with drugs and gang violence making it difficult for education to be a priority to attain in their lives. High School dropout rates are increasing and many young people have no dreams to advance their lives. It is also another sad reality that many of the families living in these communities are struggling to make ends meet. There is either no male role model in the household or there are dual working parents that limit the time and energy that is given towards the development of the children's education.
We enjoy working with every grade of student and meet them where they are at to help serve any way we can. Whether there is a need for school supplies, mentoring, scholarships, or encouragement towards their future we are present to help and make an effort to see these students advance.
Get involved by:
Volunteering in one of our upcoming events
Help tutor a child at our homework clinics
Make a $40 donation to buy school supplies and backpacks
Please contact us at,